Annual auditions for the Philadelphia Girls Choir will be held for girls in grade one or grade two at Mt. Laurel’s Fleetwood Elementary School on Monday, May 13, from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
The auditions will be held in the school’s music room, with officials described the process as “low-key.”
Those auditioning may arrive any time between 3 and 4 p.m., and each girl will be dismissed after her audition. Officials will continue auditions past 4:30 p.m. if needed.
No musical training or preparation is necessary, although each girl may be asked to sing a simple song that she knows and some intuitive singing exercises.
Those auditioning need not attend Mt. Laurel Schools.
Permission slips are available on the Mt. Laurel Schools’ website at under the “Announcements” section.
Those auditioning may give the completed slip to their music teacher at Mt. Laurel Schools or bring the slip with them to auditions.