Twelve eager members of The Garden Club of Marlton showed up bright and early at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia this month to volunteer as Artistic Barrier Aides at the 190th Philadelphia Flower Show.
In the process, the volunteers got a sneak peek of the spectacular show a day before it opened to the public.
The garden club members donated their time the morning of preview day — the day Pennsylvania Horticultural Society members had access to the show in advance of the crowds that came when the exhibits officially opened the next day.
“Our volunteers worked for several hours holding up barrier tape that separated the judges from observers so that the judges could do their jobs without interruption,” Philadelphia Flower Show Chair Mary Lynn Williams said. “But after the job was done, the workers became visitors who enjoyed an early breath of spring by visiting exhibits and learning about the role that flowers play in our daily lives.”
This year’s volunteers from The Garden Club of Marlton were Sharon Anthony, Charlotte Arr, Val Donor, Barbara Jeranek, Nancy Kalbach, Carol Otte Prince, Barbara Pillsbury, Kathy Ricci, Norma Ruehlman, Claire Shodder, Bev Thompson and Mary Lynn Williams.
The theme of the 2019 show, “Flower Power,” was inspired by the 1960s Pop Art movement and recognized the 50th anniversary of Woodstock. This year’s show also featured the FTD World Cup, a floral design competition that brought together the world’s best floral designers from 23 nations.
The FTD competition, which is held every four to six years, rarely comes to the United States.
This year marked the first time the competition was held in Philadelphia during the flower show.
For more information about The Garden Club of Marlton’s involvement with the Philadelphia Flower Show or to join the club, contact Mary Lynn Williams, who also serves as Membership Chair, at (856) 767–7250 or via email at [email protected].
Founded in 1976, The Garden Club of Marlton spearheads several community improvement and beautification projects in Marlton and elsewhere in South Jersey. The club provides annual financial academic awards to graduating seniors at Cherokee High School and the Burlington County Institute of Technology and hosts an Annual Meeting and Installation Luncheon in June and a Holiday Luncheon and Fundraiser in December.
The organization also engages in conservation and preservation activities and sponsors monthly meetings, field trips and workshops to educate members about horticulture and the environment.