Project H.O.T.E.L. (Heroin Opioid Treatment Education Lifeline) is a mobile operation to bring services to those struggling with opioid addiction.
The Mt. Laurel Police Department has announced a new initiative that will offer what the department describes as “critical support in the field” for persons struggling with addiction.
Project H.O.T.E.L. (Heroin Opioid Treatment Education Lifeline) is a mobile operation that partners the department with treatment providers to bring services to those struggling with opioid addiction, as well as their families and support systems.
According to the department, the goal is to prevent overdoses and deaths in the motel/hotel communities of the township by reaching out to those in need.
Project H.O.T.E.L. provides access to services and treatment facilities, assists people in navigating and accessing those services, provides Narcan training and kits, and the opportunity to dispose of unused/unwanted medications.
With that, a Project H.O.T.E.L. event will be held on Monday, Oct. 29, from 2 to 7 p.m. at the old Lukoil Station at 1110 S. Route 73 (next to the McDonald’s)
Refreshments will be available to encourage those in need to approach and learn about options leading to the path of recovery.