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Letter to the Editor: The conduct and rhetoric from Evesham Township Council needs to change

Respect between council and residents will not be achieved when the mayor throws tantrums while members of council watch silently.

The following is a Letter to the Editor submitted to The Sun by a resident:

For residents who have not attended an Evesham Council meeting, in my opinion, it may be time to do so. Residents should witness for themselves the manner in which the council conducts its affairs, including the way some members of council speak to those in attendance.

Here’s a small sample of the behavior taking place in council chambers: Mayor Randy Brown can be heard lambasting specific board of education members for not voting his way. He has cited misleading information and uses hostile rhetoric with reporters to promote council’s agenda. The behavior of some members of council is equally discouraging, particularly when they claim residents are intentionally misinterpreting information.

What is missing from the dais is members of council who are willing to hold their colleagues publicly accountable for their verbal vitriol. I understand no one is responsible for another person’s behavior, however, when will a leader emerge to resolve this tension? Currently, there is a lack of harmony between council and residents. There are several reasons why: It is the apartments on Main and Maple as well as other planned locations. Perhaps it is the consistent meddling of the mayor in board of education matters. Maybe it is the contempt members of council, as a whole, display toward residents who offer critiques in lieu of daily praise.

The conduct and rhetoric from council needs to change. There should be mutual respect between council and residents. This is not going to be achieved when the mayor throws tantrums while members of council sit and watch silently. Neither will mutual respect be attained while residents’ questions are answered with spin, or simply not answered. I and other community members suggest residents witness this type of governance (public discord) yourself by attending the next council meeting on Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m.

Christopher Nigro

Have your own thoughts about this issue or any issue? Send a “Letter to the Editor” to The Marlton Sun through [email protected]. Keep letters around 300 words and include a phone number so a staff member from The Sun can call and confirm your letter submission. Phone numbers will not be published. Letters must also include the full name of the resident who authored the letter.


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