Voorhees Township has an ordinance that prohibits smoking, vaping and all electronic
smoking devices on all Township owned land. Although cannabis usage is now legal, this
ordinance includes the prohibition of smoking cannabis on all Township owned property.
Studies have shown that breathing environmental tobacco smoke is a significant health
hazard for children, the elderly, and individuals with cardiovascular disease, impaired
respiratory function and asthma.
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS), a class A carcinogen. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, SHS aggravates and increases the risk of chronic diseases including asthma, allergies, heart disease, pneumonia, emphysema, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and diabetes. Secondhand smoke causes nearly 34,000 premature deaths from heart disease each year in the United States among adults who do not smoke.
The Township Committee believes that the general health and well-being of our residents is
a top priority and this prohibition benefits everyone. It is in our best interest to refer to all
Township owned land as “Smoke Free Zones.” The ordinance bans smoking within the boundaries of any Voorhees Township owned land or any property which is owned, maintained or in the possession of the Township, including all parks, playgrounds, active and passive recreational facilities, the Municipal Complex, Police Department, Fire Department and the Department of Public Works.
Any person found to be in violation of this ordinance will be issued a Summons and subject to a fine of $100 to $150 for the first offense, $150 to $250 for the second offense and $300 to $500 for any subsequent offense.
This smoking ban covers all parks, including Connolly Park, Giangiulio Sports Complex,
Maiaroto Sports Complex, Rabinowitz Sports Complex, Lions Lake Complex, Kirkwood
Sports Park, John Hale Memorial Park, Lake Villa Playground, Round Hill Road Playground,
Sandpiper Drive Playground, Sheppard Road Basketball Courts, Stafford Woods and the open space portion of the Stafford Farm.
Voorhees is proud to join communities throughout the state and nation in instituting such a
ban to protect the health of our families.