Ex-NFL players will be donating 40,000 pounds of fresh produce to families in need on Saturday.
Former New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams player Dominique Easley, a Shamong resident and former Eagles player Tra Thomas will distribute the food at 10 a.m. at Di Croce Law Office at 276 Indian Mills Road in Shamong.
The produce was collected by Easley and his foundation Easleyawareness. Families interested in receiving donations should drive through the law office lot on Saturday morning.
“We figured out if everybody gets five pounds of produce, that’s 8000 people,” said Shamong Mayor Michael DiCroce. “Any needy people are welcome to come. They don’t have to show anything or do anything and they can contact their friends and families that are in need.”
Easley and DiCroce are in need of volunteers to run the event, specifically EMS, school and church groups and police to help direct traffic and manage the event.
Potential volunteers are invited to meet at the law office at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday.