M’kor Shalom cookbook art contest winners, whose illustrations were selected to appear on the recipe page dividers of the synagogue’s brand new cookbook for sale, “Pots and Pandemic” include: Stephanie Zinn, Sadie Riviello, Madeline Fehder, Diane Fehder, Penelope Fehder and Isabelle Berger.
The book features 200 favorite recipes and numerous pandemic related anecdotes contributed by synagogue congregants, members of the community and friends and family from across the country.
The price is $20, and the book also includes special offerings from popular local restaurants. The first printing has sold out, but curbside pick up dates at M’kor Shalom in Cherry Hill will begin in early January. Gift cards are available to those wishing to give the handsome cookbook as a holiday present.
To order online, visit https://mkorshalom.org/potspandemicsale.