At its latest public session, Haddonfield’s board of commissioners unanimously voted to pass a resolution which will allow an affordable housing developer to present qualifications to oversee future housing projects within the borough.
“We’ve had an affordable housing developer for about the last 10-11 years, and we have decided that we should go back out to ascertain qualifications of other developers, since it has been 10 years and there have been changes to the landscape as far as affordable housing issues are concerned,” noted Mayor Neal Rochford.
“We thought it was a good time for us — especially since we have things going on in the back of Borough Hall and also at Bancroft, and also to help us with future potential sites within Haddonfield.”
Municipal government is working through issues with the Bancroft property, which is slated to have 10 affordable-housing units among its new construction, as well as the Snowden lot, upon which anywhere from 20 to 28 affordable units are planned. In addition, commissioners previously approved rezoning for parts of the downtown core in anticipation of future affordable-housing needs, including overspill from Snowden.
“The State of New Jersey has mandated that every town has to provide the availability of housing for all levels of income, families of all different types as well as senior citizens. What we have to do is, based on the number of homes that are currently developed and on ones that could be developed here, in the future, we have a certain number of units to meet,” explained Commissioner Colleen Bianco Bezich.
“And right now, I believe that number is … close to 500. The borough has to be able to create a certain number of those units within so many years, per the terms of the agreement with Fair Share Housing, so that families who would like to move to Haddonfield who meet certain income requirements are able to move into town.”
Bezich added, while the process may yield a developer more in tune with their needs, the borough can exercise the option to abandon the bidding process if no developers meet its qualifications.
Proposals for the position are to be submitted to the borough clerk’s office on or before Thursday, March 26 at 3 p.m.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Borough Administrator Sharon McCullough stated the completion of the long-anticipated land swap between Haddonfield and its board of education is tentatively scheduled for the first week of March, and if not then, by the following week.
“I know that the land swap is something we’ve been working on for a number of years now. This has the potential for being a big win for Haddonfield,” Rochford stated. “It’s a long time coming and I’m so happy that it’s coming to a conclusion.”
In response to a Haddon Elementary School fourth grader’s query about younger kids being chased off the new basketball courts on school grounds by college-aged residents, Rochford put forth the possibility that — once the land swap is completed and the borough gains control of Radnor Field — more courts could be constructed on that land so that everyone can have room to play.
In other news:
• Commissioners also approved a resolution to allow the following events to take place: Running Co. of Haddonfield Adrenaline 5K March 21 at 8:30 a.m.; Haddonfield Little League Opening Night April 3 at 4:30 p.m.; Haddonfield Little League Parade April 4 at 8:45 a.m.; Haddonfield Little League Home Run Derby May 16 at 3:30 p.m.
• The trio also approved an ordinance, upon second reading, to remove a handicapped parking space on Centre Street near Ellis, and to add a handicapped parking space on West Cottage Avenue, close to Warwick Road.