The employee evaluation process has begun. In October, all departments and supervisors were notified and advised to begin scheduling individual meetings with their staff members to discuss the employee’s performance and accomplishments for 2023. All performance evaluations are due in Human Resources by the deadline of the end of November. My administration had adopted this process in 2017 and we have been diligent in monitoring the protocol. Ultimately, this creates a greater sense of accountability with Washington Township employees.
Leaf Collection
I would like to share some details to help Public Works and municipal services. Leaves are to be raked loose to the curb according to the dates on the leaf schdule. Resident’s leaves can also be bagged or put in a labeled container at any time and placed out by the curb the day of your trash day. Please separate from trash, and DO NOT rake leaves into the storm sewers. It is a violation of the state Department of Environmental Protection Storm Water Management Laws. To view information regarding loose leaf pick up please log into www.twp.washington.nj.us. See “Yard Waste” under the Public Works option. Please contact the Department of Public Works for more assistance (856) 589-0520 ext. 2402.
Veteran’s Day
I would like to remind residents that Nov. 11 is Veteran’s Day. Let us remember the Americans who served; the wounded, the POW’s (Prisoners of War), and all the Americans that died in service to our country. I am honored to be a part of the ceremony this year, here in Washington Township. Veteran’s Day provides us the opportunity to pause and extend our gratitude to the men and women who have served our country at home and abroad, in times of war and in times of peace. I would like to take this opportunity to express my thank you to those on a local level, who have raised awareness of veterans issues, concerns and affairs.
Veterans throughout this nation have shown how much our freedom means to them, through their bravery and service to our country. Always keep our troops in your prayers, salute the veteran seated next to you, and may God Bless America and all those who defend it. Please check our township website at www.twp.washington.nj.us and social media sites for more details about this event. Veterans Day Ceremony will be on Nov. 11, at Franklin Atkinson Memorial Park at 11 a.m.
Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony
On Friday, Dec. 1, at Washington Township Lake Park, Amphitheater, join Santa, Mrs. Claus, Frosty, friends and I for tree lighting, carolers, pictures, hot chocolate and cookies. Holiday songs will be sung by the Washington Township High School chorus. We are bringing back, vendors selling crafts at the “Winter Village” sponsored by Washington Township Chamber of Commerce. Tree lighting is at 6 p.m., bring your family and friends. Any questions regarding this event please reach out to Washington Township Municipal Events coordinator Lisa Collins, at (856) 589-0520 ext. 2403.
House Decorating Contest
I invite all residents to join in celebrating our fourth annual “Light Up the Township” decorating contest. Different awards for different themes. If you would like an application, please grab one in the municipal vestibule or print out a copy online at www.twp.washington.nj.us. Entries may be dropped off or mailed into Attention Suzie Barone-Mayor’s Office, Washington Township Municipal Building, 523 Egg Harbor Road, Sewell, NJ 08080. Details are on the entry form. The entry deadline is Monday, Nov. 27 by 4:30 p.m.  Please contact my Confidential Aide, Suzie Barone at [email protected] for more information or visit www.twp.washington.nj.us.
Joann Gattinelli , Mayor of Washington Township