Mayor Manzo on June events

The spring weather always ushers in our event season, with our Craft Fair and Asparagus Festival kicking things off a few weeks ago. Harrison Township Day is a signature event but there are two additional events coming up in June that also bring the community together. The Annual Summer Social will once again be hosted at the historic Spicer House, owned by local attorney, Jeffrey S. Downs, of J. Downs Law.  

On June 15, from 5 to 9 p.m., the community comes together to sample the food and drinks of our local restaurants, with the proceeds benefiting the continued beautification of our Main Street. Jeffrey is a longtime resident and the founder of his local law firm right on Main Street. For many years, he has been a key player in the effort to enhance and develop our historic district, where both his home and business office reside. 

In 2021, Jeffrey partnered with local Real Estate Agent, Joanna Papadaniil, to purchase 32 South Main Street with a goal of creating a place to bring the community together, put all differences aside and find common ground. Joanna already owned The Dressing Room right next door and their beautiful renovation of 32 S. Main St. resulted in Brew X Bread at the Common Grounds , a coffee house and wine room for the community to rise up and wine down.  

Jeffrey and Steve Clark spent countless hours in their meticulous design and decorating efforts in the months leading up to the grand opening in the Summer of 2022. Jeffrey recognized the benefit of this project on the street and how developing the site fueled his passion and he wants to do more of that. The opportunity to turn his focus to other development projects on Main Street came when he received an offer he could not refuse, and he sold his interest in Brew X Bread in early 2023. Jeff wishes Joanna and her new partner continued success in the future. He said he is excited to be part of the ongoing growth and development of the Main Street and looks forward to seeing everyone at the Common Grounds. 

Another event providing an opportunity for the community to acquaint themselves with Main Street is also held at the Spicer House on Saturday, June 24 from 3 to 6 p.m. This annual event is known as the Garden Tour & Taste of Tea, with portions of the proceeds benefiting a local animal shelter. Jeffrey Downs plays host once again in conjunction with Hazel Dilsaver of Farmhouse Design and Mademoiselle Macaron. This event spreads awareness about all the delectable offerings of Main Street, as well as a way for the sponsors to give back to the community. The incredible gardens of Spicer House are featured as Hazel and Jeffrey look forward to meeting new members of the community and seeing old friends. Mark your calendars for these wonderful June events. I hope to see you there.


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