At its recent work session, the board of commissioners authorized the signing of an agreement for an already-awarded grant that will pay for a tree professional to recatalog the borough’s street trees.
Borough Administrator Sharon McCullough noted the last time the trees were cataloged was about nine years ago. A new list will help officials plan for tree removals and plantings.
“The tree professionals are going to confirm (the trees’ locations), create their own list and see where all our street trees exist,” McCullough explained. “They will give us GPS coordinates (of the trees), the type of tree it is and the condition of the tree.”
While commissioners discussed a number of ordinances in the works – including one to rework what parking lots are used for – no action was taken. McCullough noted that the measures will likely be discussed again at a November work session before introduction on first reading.
“It’s a lot of things for them to review, think over, and go over documents that have been prepared,” McCullough said of the commissioners.
In addition to the ordinances, members also discussed possibly using Big Belly trash cans to post advertisements and provide another source of revenue.
“When we purchased the new ones (trash cans), they didn’t come with (a space for signs), so we’re going to order those for the new ones and this is going to be a potential new revenue source for us.”
In a last-minute decision, the commissioners agreed to reschedule Halloween movie night for grownup events to 8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 28, at Crow’s Woods on Kings Highway, between Haddon and Tanner to bring an end to the Halloween night market. Residents are invited to bring a chair and watch the movie “Beetlejuice.”
“The three of us (Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich, Police Chief Jason Cutler and Partnership for Haddonfield Executive Director Michael Marciante) collectively thought it would be a really fun opportunity to move the event from Crow’s (Woods) – instead of Saturday night where we would be competing with Haddon Township’s bar crawl – to Friday (Oct. 28) night,” said Bianco Bezich.
The Halloween night market will begin at 4 p.m. in Kings Court.
The next commissioners work session will be Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m.