UPDATE (March 17): The Shamong Township Municipal and Public Works buildings will be closed to the public until further notice
In an effort to continue awareness regarding COVID-19, Shamong Township is asking for public support by taking the following steps:
If you are not feeling well, kindly stay home, but please feel free to call or email us during normal business hours at (609) 268 – 2377 (8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday) as we are able to assist many requests remotely.
Please access specific departmental contacts, hours and email addresses on the website by visiting Shamong.net.
Email notices will be the primary source of updating residents for items such as closure of the township building, if necessary, and cancellation of any public events.
If you have not already done so, please sign up on Swift911 for Township notifications (https://www.shamong.net/index.asp?SEC=E9C7A264-BF3C-47AE-9220-AFFEB906C957&Type=B_BASIC) – click on the enrollment link at the bottom of the page.
Regarding currently scheduled events and meetings, please feel free to call for information and check the website’s calendar, Shamong.net, for updates.
Please see links below for additional information:
Municipal court is closed.