HomeNewsPalmyra NewsRCBC Students want you to “Educate Your Vote”

RCBC Students want you to “Educate Your Vote”

Student panel will be held Oct. 18 and will discuss importance of voting.

Along with Burlington County office holders, students of Rowan College at Burlington County are hosting a panel this week focusing on non-partisan discussions of the impacts and interrelationships between politics, voting participation and education.

The event is free and open to the public. It will take place at their Mount Laurel Campus, Votta Hall Auditorium on Thursday, Oct. 18 from 5 to 7 p.m.

The panel will be moderated by Prof. Kenneth Moriano and is sponsored by the college’s debate club, criminal justice club, and Phi Theta Kappa.

Guest Speakers will include:

-Kate Gibbs- Burlington County Freeholder Director
-Lou Greenwald- Assembly Majority Leader
-Troy Singleton- Senator
-Mickey Quinn- Deputy Executive Director of the NJ Assembly Majority Office
-Dr. Robert Burton- Rowan University/Rowan College at Burlington County Professor & Medford Lakes Borough Manager


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