Education Week has selected Meloche to be profiled in its 2018 edition of Leaders to Learn From, a special report that spotlights innovative school district leaders around the nation.
Education Week has selected Cherry Hill Public Schools Superintendent Joseph Meloche to be profiled in the upcoming 2018 edition of Leaders To Learn From, the magazine’s annual special report that spotlights innovative school district leaders around the nation.
A full profile highlighting Meloche’s outstanding contributions to the Cherry Hill Public Schools and its students will appear in the report, which will be published on and included in Education Week’s print edition on Feb. 21. Meloche was selected by Education Week editors from a pool of hundreds of nominees from readers, staff reporters and other education writers, state school administrator groups, and experts in the K-12 field.
“I am incredibly honored by this recognition,” Meloche said. “Success in education is dependent on the support of one’s staff and the larger community. Throughout my career in the Cherry Hill Schools, I have been fortunate to have that support to implement new ideas and to see them carried out with enthusiasm dedicated to individual student success. I hope our successes in the Cherry Hill schools will inspire others, and I look forward to continuing to find new inspiration and innovation from the voices of our children, in the years to come.”
As part of this recognition, Meloche will be honored at a special Leaders To Learn From event on April 10 to 12, in Washington, D.C., where district leaders and educators from across the country will celebrate and learn from Meloche’s success.
Education Week — founded in 1981 and published by Editorial Projects in Education, a nonprofit corporation based in Bethesda, Maryland — is an independent provider of news, information, and analysis in K-12 education. Leaders To Learn From 2018 will mark the sixth year for this special report and recognition.