HomeNewsMoorestown NewsRec Column: Community Service Opportunities

Rec Column: Community Service Opportunities

The Department of Parks and Recreation has always been an advocate of service and volunteerism. Promoting service to the community, youth, families and individuals who utilize its programs is part of its mantra. Service is the cornerstone to any strong community and the Moorestown community certainly puts service at the top of its priority list. Service comes in many forms, and one of the areas in which the Department encourages service is in the form of volunteer coaches as part of youth recreation leagues.

Volunteer coaches are essential to the success of the recreation youth sports leagues. These leagues are essential to the growth and development, both physically and mentally, of our young people. The goal of the Department of Parks and Recreation is to provide recreational opportunities for students, families, individuals and seniors through affordable and accessible programs.

Volunteer Coaches make these leagues possible. What better way to engage in community service than to volunteer two hours each week to coach young people who “just want to play.” With more pressures being placed on students, and more constraints being placed on school districts, the Department of Parks and Recreation, now more than ever, is committed to providing these programs to every member of our community.

So for those individuals who say, “I can’t coach — I’ve never played [this sport],” I have news for you — anyone can coach. Anyone who enjoys spending time with children who are eager to learn and play can coach. Anyone who is capable of shouting words of encouragement, like “great job” or “so close, try it again” can coach. Anyone who enjoys sports and watching the joy in new athletes, can coach. All it takes is a little bit of patience, a sense of humor and good sportsmanship. Teaching children to be willing to win and lose is a key component to being a great volunteer coach. That’s life, right? You win some, you lose some.

There are many other volunteer opportunities available both for young people and adults. The Department of Parks and Recreation is always looking for youth volunteers to work with programs. From arts and crafts and children’s dance classes to recreation sports leagues, the Department is always looking for volunteers. To volunteer your time, and have fun doing it, simply contact Kahra Buss at [email protected] and indicate your age and interest in volunteerism.

So please, consider being a recreation volunteer coach for any one of the fall sports your children play! Your time is valuable to the program, but more so, it is valuable to the children. What better way to promote a sense of service than by giving of yourself? What better way to learn more about your child and their friends than to be their coach? What better way to make an impact on our children’s growth and development than to give your time to them? For more information about volunteering, coaching, fall programs and more, please visit our website at www.moorestownrec.com. Register today and enjoy the memories for a lifetime.


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