Let’s fact-check Mario DiNatale’s and the Township Committee Democrats real pending results for the last three years. You can verify these facts online at www.voorheesnj.com under “Budgets.”
DiNatale last appeared on the November 2009 Ballot. The 2009 Voorhees Budget, on his election day, listed our township spending level at $24,890,000 (Source 2009 Voorhees Budget — Sheet 3, Line 4).
That $24,890,000 is the real baseline amount from which we can measure DiNatale’s actual spending results for his entire current term (three years starting in 2010) on committee.
In 2010, DiNatale and the Democrats increased spending by $527,000 over the baseline amount. In 2011, DiNatale and Democrats increased spending by $900,000, and in 2012 DiNatale and Democrats increased spending by $605,000. (Sources 2010, 2011, 2012 Voorhees Budgets — Sheet 3, Line 4).
The real fact is with DiNatale’s “leadership” skills and with the Democrats on committee, there’s $2,032,000 more spending in Voorhees.
There are no saving from DiNatale and his fellow Democrats. None!
Here are two more question for DiNatale and the Democrats to answer.
How many million dollars have you borrowed in the last three years that Voorhees taxpayers will now have to repay? Yes, millions for taxpayers to repay!
How many Voorhees Police Officers (including every Dispatch Officer) have you eliminated in your ‘employee reduction program’? I don’t think those lost officers have made us safer!
It’s clear when you look at the facts. It’s time for new leadership in Voorhees.
-Ron Richards